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We may occasionally lose connection to your bank account for a number of reasons, some of which include:

  • Your online banking credentials have changed.

  • You have been logged out of your bank account for security reasons.

  • There are a limited number of devices that can be connected at a time.

To reconnect your bank to Brex, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to this link.

Step 2: Follow the prompts to reconnect your account. If you're having issues reconnecting, please read I'm having issues connecting my bank account to Brex.

Note: If at any time you receive an email from Brex stating that your connection between your business bank account and Brex was recently lost, check if there is a Fix connection link in your dashboard. If not, check the last sync date on the connection to see if the connection has synced in the previous week. If the last sync date is over a week ago, you'll need to delete the connection and re-add the connection.

We may occasionally lose connection to your bank account for a number of reasons, some of which include:

  • Your online banking credentials have changed.

  • You have been logged out of your bank account for security reasons.

  • There are a limited number of devices that can be connected at a time.

To reconnect your bank to Brex, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to this link.

Step 2: Follow the prompts to reconnect your account. If you're having issues reconnecting, please read I'm having issues connecting my bank account to Brex.

Note: If at any time you receive an email from Brex stating that your connection between your business bank account and Brex was recently lost, check if there is a Fix connection link in your dashboard. If not, check the last sync date on the connection to see if the connection has synced in the previous week. If the last sync date is over a week ago, you'll need to delete the connection and re-add the connection.

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