Group 99356

All your spend,
all in policy.

Give employees pre-approved budgets for travel, stipends, and more with auto-enforced rules and blocks.

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Set it and forget it.

Budgets make it easy to allocate spend limits for every need — and keep everyone compliant automatically.

1. Create a budget.

Set up a spending budget for a specific purpose such as travel, stipend, or procurement.

2. Add custom controls.

Customize spending rules and merchant and category blocks that will be auto-enforced.

3. Delegate spend limits.

Assign specific spend limits to an individual, department, or team to enable in-policy spend.

4. Empower employee spending.

Enable employees to spend from any assigned spending limits using one Brex card or via reimbursement.

See how budgets make everything easier, from compliance to close.

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All your spend in one place.

Enable in-policy spend for any purpose, for anyone in your company — by card or reimbursement.

Business travel

Pre-approve travel budgets for frequent travelers, and allow others to request budgets. Embed custom rules for flights, hotels, and more — and we’ll enforce them. Then employees can book travel right in Brex.

See how budgets control T&E->

Group events

Create a shared budget for group events like offsites and invite unlimited attendees to book their own travel within preset limits. Easily track RSVPs, bookings, and event spend in real time.

See how budgets simplify events->

Stipends and perks

Issue one-time and recurring stipends for L&D, wellness, and other perks — to be spent by Brex card or reimbursement so you only pay for what is used. Embed policies and blocks to ensure the stipend is spent as intended.

See how budgets improve stipends->

Procurements of any size

Sharing a corporate card isn’t ideal. Instead, allow multiple employees to make procurements from a shared budget (such as for marketing), with individual user expenses tracked via their unique card numbers.

See how procurement budgets work->

The magic of budgets.

Here's how Brex budgets help you work smarter, not harder.

Budget Overview - Templates
Budget Overview - Templates

Enable any type of spend, on one card.

Cover your team's travel expenses, operational spend, and annual stipends all from a single place, all on one card.


Allow spend limits to be shared.

Let managers divvy up spend limits among their team members — the budget’s controls will still apply.


Enable employees to request spend.

Allow employees to easily request new spend limits for approval — with your policy auto-applied.


Customize your approval chain.

Designate approvers for each budget, such as managers for T&E and your controller for large procurements.


Auto-provision stipends and more.

Save time by issuing spend limits, such as for stipends, to new hires automatically based on role and location.


Display amounts in the user’s currency.

Show spend limits and policies in the employee’s local currency and the company's currency.


We’d love to help.

Let’s chat about how Brex can streamline your unique workflows to save your company time and money.

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