This topic has 2 versions: the Brex classic experience and the Brex Empower platform. If you need help finding which you use, sign in or read this article.

There are 2 ways to activate your new physical Brex card.


Step 1: From the phone number associated with your Brex account, text the last 4 digits of your card number to (415) 417-0824.

Step 2: Look for a text stating that your card is active and ready for use.

Important: You must have added a phone number to your Brex account when enrolling for this option to work.

Via your Brex dashboard

Step 1: Click Cards and then Manage cards on the left side.

Step 2: At the top of the page, look for a button that says Activate card.

Step 3: When prompted, enter the last 4 digits of your physical Brex card number.

Step 4: Look for a text stating that your card is active and ready for use.

There are three ways to activate your new physical Brex card.


Step 1: If you’re US-based, text the last four digits of your card number to 70159 from the phone number associated with your Brex account. If you’re an international user, you can activate your card via the dashboard or mobile app, instead.

Note: Be sure to only contact this number via text, it does not accept incoming calls.

Step 2: Look for a text stating that your card is active and ready for use.

Note: You must have added a phone number to your Brex account during onboarding for this option to work.

Via your dashboard

Step 1: Go to Wallet and find the status of your new physical card below your primary card icon.

If you need to activate a card other than your primary card, click View all budgets and cards and choose it from the list.

Step 2: Click Activate physical card. Alternatively, click the three dots at the top right of your card and select Activate physical card.

Step 3: When prompted, set your card PIN.

Via your app

Note: Please make sure you’ve updated your Brex app to the latest version.

Step 1:
In your Brex app, go to Wallet and tap the primary card at the top of your screen.

If you’d like to activate a different card, select it from the Other cards section.

Step 2: Find the status of your new physical card below your primary card icon and tap Activate physical card.

Step 3: When prompted, set your card PIN.

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