This topic has 2 versions: the Brex classic experience and the Brex Empower platform. If you need help finding which you use, sign in or read this article.

Account admins can update a user to any role type. Card admins can update other users to card admins, employees, and bookkeepers (if you don’t have a Brex business account). This is done by following the steps below.

Note: When changing a user’s role to either an account admin or AP clerk, they’ll need to sign into their dashboard and answer some verification questions. Only after doing this will their role type change.

Step 1: Under Team, enter the cardholder's name in the search bar and click their name when it appears.

Step 2: To the right of User role under the Role section, select an option from the dropdown menu to update the role type.

Please read What are the various Brex role types? for more information.

Account admins can update a user to any role type. Card admins can update other users to card admins, user admins, employees, and bookkeepers (if you don’t have a Brex business account). User admins can update the users to AP clerks, bookkeepers, and employees. This is done by following the steps below.

Note: When changing a user’s role to either an account admin or AP clerk, they’ll need to sign into their dashboard and answer some verification questions. Only after doing this will their role type change.

Single user

Step 1: Under Team, enter the cardholder's name in the search bar and click their name when it appears.

Step 2: To the right of User role under the Role section, select an option from the dropdown menu to update the role type.

If you want to make someone a reimbursements-only user, set their role type to Employee and click Manage card access to toggle off Allow corporate cards.

Please read What are the various Brex role types? for more information.

Multiple users

Step 1: Under Team, click the checkbox to the left of any users whose role type you’d like to update.

Step 2: Click Update role.

Step 3: Select the new role type you’ll be applying to all selected users. If you choose Employee, check whether or not you want the user to be able to have assigned Brex cards.

Step 4: Click Confirm.

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